Understanding occurrence-based insurance

Insureon staff
An occurrence-based policy protects your business during the policy period, even if it's not active when you submit a claim.
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As a small business owner, you know it’s important to understand how your insurance policy works.

An occurrence-based policy covers losses that happen during the policy period, even if it's not active when you submit a claim.

Let's say you purchased a $1 million occurrence-based general liability policy.

In year 1, your business is sued for $1 million.

When your policy is renewed at the beginning of year 2, you'll have another $1 million worth of coverage.

Occurrence-based and claims-made policies are often found in specific types of insurance coverage.

For example, your general liability, commercial auto, and umbrella liability insurance will be occurrence-based.

If you own a business with more assets at risk, it may be best to invest in an occurrence-based policy.

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An occurrence-based policy covers losses that happen during the time you have the policy, regardless of when you file a claim. It is designed to protect you against long-tail events – incidents that could cause injury or damage years after they occur. For example, a chemical spill is a long-tail event because it often takes decades to produce visible injuries or disease.

Occurrence-based policies will protect you against such events even if:

  • Many years pass before injuries or damages become known.
  • You have switched to another insurance policy or insurer.
  • You have canceled your insurance and not replaced it with another one.

A few examples of occurrence-based policies are general liability insurance, commercial auto insurance, and commercial umbrella insurance.

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